Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Swine flu georgia

swine flu georgia

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swine flu georgia
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Guvernul francez va cheltui aproape un miliard de euro pentru un program de vaccinare obligatorie in aceasta toamna. Potrivit lui Marie-Christine Tabet (Le Journal du Dimanche): " Franta pregateste un plan de lupta fara precedent pentru aceasta toamna, inclusiv o campanie de vaccinare obligatorie pe ... BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Luxembourg has confirmed the country's first case of H1N1 flu, the government said on Tuesday. The patient had recently returned from a trip to New York and had gone to a doctor on Monday with moderate flu symptoms, the government

Author: Galexy2
Keywords: funny
Added: May 9, 2009

I'm sure you've been seeing the slew of articles about the Messiah's upcoming address to the Muslim world: Obama sets out to rebuild ties with world's Muslims Obama's message: I have a dream for Islam Obama offers olive branch to Middle East Why Obama's middle east speech matters. Obama shouldn't le ...

Author: dmxwkacazm30
Keywords: swine flu surgical mask bra coffee filter duct tape georgia alabama canada mexico mariachi bullfighter
Added: May 14, 2009


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